Summer & Winter Schools
A short academic escapade over the break.
General Info
As these programmes are typically outside of your usual university curriculum, you would likely have to pay the programme fee in its entirety. Many of these fees often also include accommodation on top of the tuition fee. Apart from the short-term JASSO scholarship, there are also other scholarships such as MEXT for Japanese Studies majors and the JCCI Scholarship that may be applicable too. See the scholarships page for more information.
Credit Bearing
These are programmes organised during Summer and Winter breaks that are credit-bearing and can be mapped back to your home university. Many of these are language-based, with some universities offering a wide variety of courses in a full-scale summer school programme.

UTokyo Global Japan Studies Summer Program
University of Tokyo
All Students
Application Period:
JPY 280,000 (Course, Accomodation, and Meals)
The Global Japan Studies Summer Programme explores Japan's post-war years. Consisting of interdisciplinary lectures, field trips, and language lessons, to give students a holistic understanding of the matter.

Waseda Summer Session
Waseda University
All Students (Completed at least 1 year of studies)
Application Period:
JPY 490,000 (2 Courses, Accommodation, Insurance, Field Trip, and Airport Pickup)
The Waseda Summer Session offers a broad range of classes from across all its faculties from business and arts, to the sciences. Check out their website for the full listing of courses.

Kyushu University Summer in Japan
Kyushu University
All Students
Application Period:
JPY 190,000 (Course, Accommodation, Field Trip, Homestay)
The Summer in Japan Programme involves students taking Introduction to Contemporary Japan, Japanese Language, and Field Studies. The programme also comes with a 2 week homestay experience as well as a one-on-one buddy system with a local student.

UTokyo Global Summer Program (IARU Courses)
University of Tokyo
IARU Students Only (In SG, only NUS)
Application Period:
JPY 75,000 per course
The Global Summer Programme offers four different classes that each run 1-2 weeks. These are: Sustainable Urban Management, Japan in Today's World, Nanoscience, and Introduction to the Japanese Language.

Tokyo Tech Summer/Winter Program
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Science and Engineering Students Only (Completed at least 1 year of studies)
Jun-Aug, Nov-Feb
Application Period:
Nov-Jan, May-Jun
JPY 50,000 (3 Courses, Field Trips, and Cultural Activities)
The Tokyo Tech Summer/Winter Program involves students taking on a Research Project, Japan Studies course, a Japanese course and a variety of field trips.

Tohoku University Summer Programmes
Tohoku University
All Students
Application Period:
JPY 15,000-120,000 (Depends on course)
Tohoku University offers three programmes for summer.
Tohoku University Japanese Programme has two courses: Japanese Communication Program and Academic Japanese Program. A buddy from Tohoku University will also be assigned.
Tohoku University STEM Summer Program allows student insight across a variety of fields in science and technology, as well as multiple cultural immersion opportunities and industry field trips.
Tohoku University Engineering Summer Program is designed for Engineering students around lectures and hands-on experiences.

Waseda Short-term Japanese Program
Waseda University
All Students
Jun-Jul, Dec-Jan
Application Period:
Jan, Aug
JPY 140,000 (3 credit Japanese course)
Waseda offers a short-term Japanese language school over both Summer and Winter, each with different number of credits and content. Check the website for more details.
Non-Credit Bearing
Non-credit programmes offered by Japanese universities that give students the opportunity to engage in research or to deep dive into Japanese language.

UTokyo Research Programmes
University of Tokyo
All Universities (STEM student targetted)
Application Period:
Various (Most programmes offer a scholarship for all participants)
The University of Tokyo offers a wide variety of research internship programmes whereby students are attached to a research lab over the summer to conduct research on a selected research topic or area.
Many of the programmes such as the University of Tokyo Research Internship Program (UTRIP) and UTokyo Amgen Scholars Program, offer full scholarships to all participants. So check the full listing on the website for more details.

Keio Short-Term Japanese Studies Program
Keio University
All Universities
Application Period:
JPY 50,000
The Keio Short-Term Japanese Studies Program (KJSP) to understand Japanese politics, economy, business, arts, and traditional and modern culture in addition to on-site activities where students can see and experience the things they learned in the classroom only hours before.

Japanese Language Program
Waseda University
All Universities
Year Round
Application Period:
Feb. Oct
JPY 978,400 (MEXT Scholarship available for Japanese Studies students)
The Japanese Language Program, offered by the Center for Japanese Language at Waseda University, is a one-year or half-year program to study Japanese language intensively. Through various courses provided in different levels, skills and themes, students can study Japanese language according to their own abilities and goals.